The Past Weeks.
Sunday, January 24, 2010 //
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This is a long delayed post.
2 weeks :)
I'm back in KL.
Classes was fun this week , as long as it lasted because I laughed A HELL LOT .
Everyday I get stomach cramps.
but , it's not going to last from this coming week onwards.
Hell lots of assignments + reports and presentations everyweek!
anyways ,
the new campus is okay .
not up to what our expectation is but its still great.
just that the hassles we had to go through everyday , is a lil bit too much.
and I'm still trying to get use to the life of taking bus to class.
it isn't that bad , really just that at times I'm late cause of the bus and the long waiting period.
2 weeks :)
I'm back in KL.
Classes was fun this week , as long as it lasted because I laughed A HELL LOT .
Everyday I get stomach cramps.
but , it's not going to last from this coming week onwards.
Hell lots of assignments + reports and presentations everyweek!
anyways ,
the new campus is okay .
not up to what our expectation is but its still great.
just that the hassles we had to go through everyday , is a lil bit too much.
and I'm still trying to get use to the life of taking bus to class.
it isn't that bad , really just that at times I'm late cause of the bus and the long waiting period.

Does this looked real? haha the open space , view from 8th floor.
well got tons more of pictures , the restaurants is nice , but not what we've expected.
Ate lunch at one of the restaurant too , Truffles.
Everything is new in there , no longer using old cutleries & plates and there's a bar.
Winelab. Choco rooms. Open air kitchens. Wine cellar :)
Back date .
The 2nd last day of my holidays , had dinner with the Taylorians & Ex Taylorians at Nandos.
Its great catching up again , after so long .
It was Siosen's treat that night , dunno what occasion , but Thanks SioSen!
Lets play Monopoly Deal at Uni again! haha
The day before was spent Karaoke-ing in the afternoon at Redbox with my cousin and Denise.
At night , at The Library and Laundry.
No we didn't study and do our laundry like some of you that asked me.
It was a hell fun night!
with new faces.
More pictures@fb.
Expect more delayed post soon.
I can't update as frequent as I used to anymore.
till then.
Back date .
The 2nd last day of my holidays , had dinner with the Taylorians & Ex Taylorians at Nandos.

It was Siosen's treat that night , dunno what occasion , but Thanks SioSen!
Lets play Monopoly Deal at Uni again! haha

At night , at The Library and Laundry.
No we didn't study and do our laundry like some of you that asked me.
It was a hell fun night!
with new faces.
More pictures@fb.
Expect more delayed post soon.
I can't update as frequent as I used to anymore.
till then.
Labels: Food . School, Friends, Short post., Weekends