Home is always the best .
Friday, September 18, 2009 // 0 comment(s)

I've always known that I'm not the only one in this world who misses home .

A place where we can always find comfort , peace , memories , experience , and most of all Love .

Being with family is always different , than not having your family around you when you're away .

At times , you felt like you don't have anyone to rely on when you need them , at times when you go around places you'll always felt that some part of you still misses home , and that home is always the best .

For me , at times I'm confused whether to go home or not . I really do love being home , and I miss being home all the time . But , one thing that stops me from wanting to go home , is usually the memories that were built and the past experiences of things that happened that might just , break me . Feelings were built up , and the thoughts of not having the same feeling when I go home fears me .

I am terrified of that , but here's a good video that made me really miss home . I teared because I know , deep down , eventhough I am afraid of all the things that happened which made me who I am today , I still don't mind and regret that it was a part of my life .

Here I'm sharing with you guys , A peace of Home .

Glad that I am going home soon , real soon .


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