Take it , take it..
Sunday, April 18, 2010 //
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For starters,I'm back at KL.
my lovely holidays is about to end.
Classes will resume tomorrow, and as usual I already sense the hectic-ness.
my lovely holidays is about to end.
Classes will resume tomorrow, and as usual I already sense the hectic-ness.
how fast time flies when you're enjoying.
I couldn't update back home, got annoyed with the slow connection speed.
So, I'm just going to update a bit about the " before-holidays".
Had German Food the other day right after exams with the girls.
We went to Munch Gasthaus , a really nice place with cosy ambience and good german food.

After the last exam , the next day was spent with Leslie , Kelly and a new friend , Ki Chan.
Headed of to Midvalley to meet up an agent and took some documents from him.
Then we had Thai food again at the Gardens.
*Just realised I haven't upload the pictures.
We were supposed to go to Genting, since the weather was fine and all that.
It rained but it was :)
unfortunately the plan was canceled last minute , we headed to KLCC instead.
shopped and caught a movie called " Date Night ".
The movie was alright , funny at some parts..worth the watch though.

I'll continue the rest in the next post ;)
Labels: Holidays .